Lifeword Reaching Into Ukraine!

LifeWord Publishing

         Lifeword is using media to share Jesus and make disciples everywhere!

One of the key spots in the world that Lifeword is targeting with new media outreach is the country of Ukraine. Recently Lifeword Executive Director, Donny Parrish, spent two weeks with Lifeword’s Ukrainian Director, Pasha Onatsko. They discussed strategy for reaching out to those in Ukraine who need to hear the story of Jesus.

         “Pasha is a great leader. Lifeword is so excited to have him on our team,” said Parrish. “He understands that while the people of Ukraine are fighting for their freedom from Russian oppression, their greatest need is freedom in Jesus. The people of Ukraine are especially open to hearing the story of Jesus during this time of conflict and danger. Pasha is putting together a great team to use social media and the internet to introduce people to Jesus through Lifeword.”

         Lifeword invests in people all around the world to reach their own culture for Christ. Parrish says that Lifeword’s goal is to train people who relate to and understand their culture to tell the story of Jesus in a language that they can understand. “God is using Lifeword to tell His story in over 150 languages around the world. Our goal is to be in at least 200 languages in the next 4 years,” said Parrish.

         Lifeword Sunday is scheduled for October 22, 2023. This is a day set aside for churches across the BMA of America to pray for the ministry of Lifeword and to give a special offering to help Lifeword increase her impact around the world. To register your church for Lifeword Sunday visit There, you can also purchase Lifeword Sunday t-shirts to help share the ministry of Lifeword and enter your pastor’s name into a drawing for a MacBook Pro.

         Lifeword Sunday offerings are crucial in helping Lifeword continue to expand around the world!   Together we can Share Jesus, Make Disciples, Everywhere!
