It Needs To Be Said

By Anders Lee

(Lee is pastor of Central Church, Southaven, Mississippi and may be contacted at

Anders Lee
Anders Lee

In March of 2020, the most drastic change came to America that I have EVER seen in my life time. COVID-19 shut us down. We closed schools, doctor’s offices, barber shops & hair salons, restaurants, sporting events… the list goes on… and we did it… we closed church doors and shut down youth groups. I never thought that would happen. We spent Easter at home and watch prerecorded videos online. Camps didn’t happen, SOAR was online, and association meetings were cancelled. I don’t know about you but it broke my heart. Craziest thing EVER!

But now… “it needs to be said” … it’s time to push forward! The physical, mental, emotional and spiritual strain of the separation and mitigations have become more consequential than the virus itself. The stats and data from over six months are in and we KNOW who this virus affects the most and the steps that are needed to protect the most vulnerable in our society and yes our churches. I’m not going to enumerate them in this article because we have heard it from all the scientists and medical professionals already. 

The Stats & Data Do Not Lie

There are two things I want to highlight. First, according to the CDC, only 1.7% of all of the nation’s cases reported belong to those age 18 and under. That age bracket has the lowest infection rate of all. Some studies show that bracket increasing with schools trying to reopening, however, it is still the lowest bracket in all age brackets. Second, according to the CDC 99.997% of those students who contract the virus SURVIVE! WOW! That is great news! We know it is those with pre-existing conditions that are impacted, kids and teens with major medical situations. We all know those students don’t need to be around Grandpa to protect him… or Grandma… we sure don’t want to leave her out. If they are, masks and distancing is the key! 

What’s my point? It’s simple. It needs to be said… it’s time for church leaders to push forward! Oh yeah, I already said it earlier in the article. Well every good point deserves to be repeated and as some say; “Say it louder so those in the back hear it too!” 

Can you do that now? YES! As my grandma use to say; “Where there’s a will there’s a way!” Maybe you need to wear masks… maybe you need to create a plan to be safer and use your social distancing. Everyone will do it differently than others. Pray about it and do what you know to be best for your group so that teens can have the group that they need so desperately!

Salvage What’s Left of 2020!

We have a number of good weeks left to maximize what we can do for our youth & teens. By the time you read this article you will still have eleven weeks left to make up for lost time! Think about it! You have spent very little of your youth budget this year! Time to invest it in those teens and draw them back into the church. Reenergize your discipleship efforts with as many events possible before we ring the New Year in! 

I’m beggin’ you – don’t be the one who says; “I’m throwing in the towel!” I’m hearing many in our ranks say they are chalking 2020 up to be a complete loss! I’ve heard some this week say we will relaunch youth in 2021. My question is… at what cost? Students are disconnected at a critical time in their lives! Push forward! Don’t lose valuable ministry time! These kids need the ministry efforts of their church! 

Make Your Plans for 2021 Now!

Now is the time to plan for next year, especially bigger summer events. If you want to maximize what happens next year, don’t minimize your planning now! The old saying is “plan your work and work your plan.” When you start rolling out plans for 2021, I promise you it will energize your teens and inspire your parents all at the same time! 

Start praying about what God would have you do in 2021 after this huge debacle of a year in 2020! Get your Pastor in on it Mr. Youth guy! You need him to have your back in pushing forward now and in the New Year! Have a meeting and share your plans for the end of the year and next year! 

Work With The Willing & Improvise 

“But Anders, I have three families in the church who still won’t bring their teens and half my team of workers won’t come either!” That’s fine. That’s their prerogative. Go full throttle with those who are ready and willing to be involved. Remember, it is never a good thing if you let the number in attendance dictate your level of commitment to discipleship. When Jesus saw the crowds leaving Him, He withdrew and taught the few! So be willing to work with those who will show up, even if its half your crowd. 

As far as your volunteers and team are concerned, rally the ones that are willing to help and ask them to step up and serve in additional ways to make this all too important ministry happen! That’s right, you gotta improvise and make it work! In the worst of times I’ve seen people do their best work and grow in ministry because of it! So, don’t be afraid to ask workers to do more things! Remind them, those kids are WORTH IT!!!

Praying for you all in these most difficult times! Let me leave you with the thoughts of the Apostle Paul! “Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:58

I’m praying for you!
