Annual Meeting Highlights 75th Anniversary of Southeastern Baptist College

75 Years Later

by Editor Don Brown

      The 2023 Annual session of the BMA of Mississippi was held at the historic Parkview Baptist Church in Laurel on Tuesday October 17th. Parkview, the oldest Baptist church in Laurel, was the site of the founding of Southeastern Baptist College 75 years ago. At the 2022 meeting the messengers voted to return to this historic location in recognition and celebration of the ministry of Southeastern.

      After a welcome by Pastor Shane Singleton and some preliminary procedures, President Ken Riley introduced the theme for the 2023 meeting and brought the president’s message from Ephesians 3:14-21. The annual theme and message title was “Trust the Process”. He stressed the need to rely on God’s Word and leading and trust the process that He has laid out for His children.

      The business began with the presentation of a constitutional change presented by the Commission on Senior Adults. The change involved designating the month of June as a Special Emphasis time for the Senior Adult Commission. The constitution lays out the special emphasis times for each department in Article VIII, Section 2. The change made June the month for Senior Adults. This was passed in the afternoon session.

      Officers elected for the 2023-24 year are as follows: President Ken Riley; 1st Vice-president Johnny Williams; 2nd Vice-president Corbey Jones; Clerk Sam Oglesby; Assistant Clerk Ted Quinby; and Director of Information Adam Sloan.

      Southeastern Baptist College was selected as the site for the 2024 mid-year meeting with John Adams as the speaker and Bob Burch as alternate. The 2024 annual meeting will be hosted by Campground Baptist Church, Gulfport. The speaker will be Cris Yager with Don Brown serving as the alternate. Campground Church included in their invitation that they will be providing the noon meal for those attending the meeting.

      Three new members of the Nominating Committee are Willie Oldenquist, Skip Holland, and Nathan Brown. They join current members Joseph Bain, Rickey Mitchell and Ted Quinby.

      A video presentation was shared with the messengers telling the history of the BMA and including messages from each department and commission director.

      Reports were brought by each Mississippi department, commission, and auxiliary. National workers attending were BMA Seminary president Dr. Charley Holmes and BPH director Jordan Tew.

New Director

      Bro. Glen Pace was elected as the new director of the History and Archives Commission. He requested that the Commission have a board of trustees like each other department and commission. He was allowed to choose a temporary board of 3 individuals. They are  Paul Spurlin, Harold Floyd, and Ricky Mitchell. They will assist him until the May 2024 meeting when a permanent board can be elected.

      Other miscellaneous business included the Salary Committee recommending a 5% increase cap for each department and commission director. The Clerk’s report was given and accepted with the approval to pay the Clerk $1,000 and the Assistant $500 for their work. The clerks were authorized to print up to 600 minute books.

      The final Enrollment Report showed 52 churches represented by messenger with 97 messengers present. Only listing 4 visitors were officially listed on church letters, but there were a large number of individuals present who were not registered. The 2024 Enrollment Committee members are Chris Sledge, Steve Clark, and Scott Kirkland.

Annual Message

      The Association elected Dr. John David Smith, President of BMA Global, as the 2023 annual speaker. Due to his duties and having to be out of the country, Dr. Scott Carson, elected as the alternate speaker, brought the annual message “ I Am Not Ashamed” from Romans 1:14-19. He stressed sharing the gospel, teaching God’s people, and encouraging God’s people.

      The Association adjourned after giving Parkview Church a standing vote of appreciation for hosting the 2023 meeting.

Harmony and Detailed Information

      The 2023 annual session was informative and harmonious. A true sense of cooperation and brotherhood prevailed. The reports indicate the blessings of our Lord and a bright future for the BMA of Mississippi.

      Detailed reports are listed in this issue from the departments and commissions of our state work. They are printed in their entirety for the benefit of our readers and churches. You are encouraged to read each director’s report to understand the needs, plans, and blessings of each ministry.

Southeastern 75th Anniversary Gala

      A special evening event was held at Bethlehem Community Church north of Laurel in celebration of the 75th anniversary of Southeastern College. The SBC Gala was a scholarship fund-raiser with attendance from local businesses, individuals, and churches. The evening included a meal and entertainment by Christian speaker and comedian Dr. Dennis Swanberg.
