A message from Charlie Costa

Bro. Charles Costa

Middle East Regional Coordinator and BMA Missionary to Lebanon:

What are BMA missionaries doing in the midst of a war in the Middle East? Well, good question. The simple answer is this: Doing what the Lord has commissioned them to do. We do not see political, religious, ethnic, or any other lines. We see lost people in need of Jesus.

In these circumstances, we learn what it means to pray in anguish: “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” When you see the depravity of man at its worst and feel like you are in a runaway train that you cannot stop, you lift your hands imploring the mighty Savior to come back and save–one way or the other.

No one constrains us to be here but the love of God shed in our hearts by His Holy Spirit. No one constrains us to be here but the calling of God on our lives to the point where we are willing to lay down our lives for him as he did for us–we are going to die some day, we might as well make it count. No one constrains us to be here but our commitment to the churches that have entrusted us to take the Gospel to these people.

Would you consider prayerfully and financially supporting our Baptist leaders and churches in the Middle East as they continue pressing on even in the midst of war and uncertainty?

BMA Global is happy to receive any funds to distribute. Checks can be mailed to BMA Global, PO Box 878, Conway, AR 72033. Just write “Relief Middle East” in the memo line, or you can give online at https://app.securegive.com/BMAMissions/main/donate/category. Just scroll down and designate your gift to Charlie Costa’s fund.
